Take a peek behind the scenes and let yourself be amplified!

Failure is not an Option

Being not only American but also having worked for NASA, I, on more than one occasion, encountered the rallying cry of, “Failure is not an option” – never having really spent too much time thinking about it as the meaning and weight of that phrase were clear to me. While this sentiment aims to inspire determination and perseverance, it…

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Design Thinking: more than just a process

Design thinking is a human-centered problem-solving approach that has been around for years and gaining significant popularity in recent years. The process allows organizations to identify problems, generate new ideas, and create solutions that meet the needs of their users or customers. While it is often referred to as a process, we see it as in fact much more.…

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Why the name amplilabs?

Taking the next BIG leap into the unknown is daunting for most of us. What if, instead of putting so much pressure on ourselves to make big changes, we simply did what was necessary to take the ONE first step? And only once we are ready, the step after that? And by doing so, amplifying ourselves along the way?…

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